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Preface: Production helium leak testing of small sealed devices such as electronic components can be challenging. Often, small sealed electronics a...
In this article, we cover production helium leak testing of products, typically constructed of plastic and/or plastic films that have relatively hi...
LACO received a request to design a cost-effective, space simulation vacuum system from a university that is testing items that will be used in the...
PERFECT VACUUMRecently, a customer remarked to us that he had pumped down his chamber to a “perfect vacuum” and we were puzzled as to exactly what ...
VACUUM PROCESS SOLUTIONSOther than a Hoover or Dyson, the term “vacuum” doesn’t mean a lot to most people. Many people are familiar with vacuum pac...
In our previous article we addressed the first three of the following strategies to reduce helium consumption in production leak testing applicatio...
You use helium in your production leak testing and you are concerned about helium prices and supply interruptions. Your gas supplier might have eve...